Saturday, September 12, 2009

Think before you breed!

The clown is back and has a new bee in his bonnett. Ok I don't really wear a bonnett but if I did there would be a whole hive in it after the last two days.

On Thursday Neekie got an email through her freecycle group that a lady had a pit bull she got from a man outside a bar. The man was giving the dogs away because he was about to be fined for having too many dogs and no breeder's permit from the city. The lady has a Pit Bull that doesn't like other dogs so she took Reese to a friend. The friend couldn't keep Reese either so she was being posted on freecycle to find a new home for her. We agreed to pick her up at 6:30 PM last night and Neekie was worthless at work all day in anticipation. At about 5:30 I got a phone call that Reese was not available to be picked up since she snuck out a window they didn't think Reese could climb out of. Animal control had picked her up and the lady couldn't afford to get her out of doggie jail.

Sue was crushed and called Animal Control and got the information needed to get this poor girl bailed out and this morning we went further into debt getting an advance at 120% APR intrest.

Talk about an amazing breed of dog! Reese shows signs of being bred. Scars around the top and sides of her neck and swolen teats.Her ears were cropped way too short and she is lame from a spider bite on her elbow. SHe was so happy to see Sue and me walk up to her jail cell and have us offer our hands for her to sniff and bgan licking us enthusiaticaly. Sue got into the cell with her as I took off to get the cash to bail her out. $95.00 later we headed home with a very happy girl with a new rabies shot and dog license. ( She wonders why she needs a license to be what God made her to be)

She has met all 3 of the dogs we own and shows no agression to any of them. She has met the cats and ignores them. (She says they are too far beneath her to recognize as existing)
Folks unless you have people who want the puppies and know what you are doing with breeding SPAY OR NEUTER your pets. There are millions of these dogs killed because there are more of them that there are responsible owners. Breeders don't price the lower income people out of being pet owners. Kids need good reliable dogs to help them learn to be responsible adults. If they are priced out of this they will be getting them from puppy mills and back yard breeders who are just after a quick buck they don't have to work much to get.

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