Friday, October 23, 2009

Cowards as heros

I am still upset with the NFL and their support of Michael Vick (the animal abuser) Now you whiners who say "He did his time so let it go" are seriously misinformed as are the ones who say he only financed the fight ring. All Vick paid for is FEDERAL RACKETEERING, not animal abuse. He admittede in court to participating in the torture and killing of "underperforming dogs" These dogs who would not fight or were not good enough fighters to satisfy Vick's bloodlust had jumper cabled clipped on their ear and genitals (OUCH) and were tossed in a pool to drown. There was no quick painless death. The gouges left behind by the victims claws as they tried to escape the pool tell the story.

"Michael Vick appologized for his mistake." Not even close folks He has never said a word about the victims and the group he is supposedly "helping" to fight animal abuse was one of the major supporters of killing every dog on the property. The HSUS is NOT a very good organization for dogs since until fairly recently their official stance on Breed specific Legislation was supporting the banning of many breeds of dogs. HELLO!!! Banning doesn't work. That is why Italy recinded their dog breed ban as ineffectual. Prosecuting the irresponsible owners does work.

BAD RAP did an awesome job in the protest against Vick's NFL comeback at the Raider's game against the Eagles. They had a banner flown over the stadium which read "DOG FIGHTERT GO HOME They even invited Mr. Vick to view his former dogs through a window (preventinga breach of his court order not to be in the same room with the animals) which the coward refused to accept.

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